All SFTP Passwords are being Regenerated

As part of a new security audit we are running across all of our servers, WP Engine has made specific changes to our security protocol in order to maintain the highest standards of security for our customers. As part of these new measures, WP Engine now requires our customers’ SFTP passwords to maintain a certain level of complexity that meet or exceed industry standards. Passwords are our first line of defense online, and using strong passwords is a crucial part of safeguarding your accounts and identity online.

As part of this process, WP Engine has reset SFTP passwords for all our customers. This means all WP Engine customers should have received a system email prompting them to login to their WP Engine account in order to reset their password manually.

To reset your password, login to, select “SFTP.”  From here, you can edit the accounts for both the staging and production sites. Please make sure that both passwords have been reset according to these guidelines. If you run into any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

WP Engine is committed to the maintaining high security standards which protect our customers, as well as the entire WordPress Community. We will continue to provide the highest level of security possible as part of our Managed Hosting Platform.

Thank you for choosing to host your sites and applications with WP Engine.